Archives for posts with tag: Dietary supplement
Ubiquinol: The Pure Form of CoQ10

Ubiquinol: The Pure Form of CoQ10


You may have heard of CoQ10—an antioxidant that is found in every cell of your body. It provides you with energy and protects you from damaging molecules. What do you know about ubiquinol? Ubiquinol is an active form of CoQ10 which is produced naturally in our bodies. Although more expensive than CoQ10, ubiquinol is easier to absorb into the body, thus delivering superior results. With a long list of health benefits and a proven ability to fight against aging, ubiquinol is one supplement you’ll want to learn more about.

Healthy Heart

Through studies it was found that people with heart disease had a decreased amount of CoQ10 in their tissue. Upon supplementation, the same people experienced an increase in CoQ10 and heart function. Since there is a correlation between low levels of CoQ10 and heart disease, it may be beneficial to take an ubiquinol supplement, especially as you become older and your body produces less of this nutrient than when you were younger.

Low Blood Pressure

Along with heart disease, many people suffer from high blood pressure later in life. In many cases, doctors are unsure of the cause of high blood pressure, but some factors can be; age, diet, stress, smoking, or other underlying health conditions. Whatever the cause, high blood pressure can be dangerous. Supplementing with ubiquinol showed a decrease in blood pressure in study participants with high blood pressure who were currently taking medication. This finding was believed to be a result of ubiquinol balancing insulin response and decreasing oxidative stress.

Good Gums

Gum disease is a scary and uncomfortable condition that many adults suffer from. It is caused by the buildup of plaque and usually the result of poor dental hygiene. The bacteria in the plaque infects your gums and teeth, and in worse cases, the gum tissue and bone. This infection leads to pain, inflammation, and damage or loss of teeth. However, early stages of gum disease can usually be reversed by regularly brushing and flossing teeth and gums, and by making routine visits to the dentist. A strong immune system can also aid in fighting off bacteria. It has been suggested that ubiquinol can help strengthen the immune system. This may be why in a study where people with gum disease supplemented with ubiquinol, they had a decrease in oral bacteria.

Although, in studies, ubiquinol has been found to improve quality of life, and has proven to be a positive support in battling many age-related diseases, it should not be used in lieu of needed medication or healthy living. Like with any supplement, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine usage and dosage for your particular body.




Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

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Taking Care of Your Teeth for a Whiter, Brighter Smile

Taking Care of Your Teeth for a Whiter, Brighter Smile

First impressions are everything, and a bright, white smile is one of the simplest actions you can take to improve your appearance. With these easy steps, you can maintain good dental hygiene and improve the physical appearance of your teeth.

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

We’re sure you’ve heard this before (from your parents, teachers, and dentist), but surprisingly not everyone follows this simple rule. Brushing your teeth after every meal, or at least twice a day (morning and night), removes the bacteria and food particles that can cause tooth decay. For a full clean, use a soft-bristled brush and be sure to cover all areas—teeth, gums, and tongue.


Flossing can be tiresome, but the fact is that brushing alone is not enough. Bacteria and food particles can get trapped between your teeth, and no matter how much you try, a toothbrush will not be able to remove either. Use an interdental brush or floss to clean in-between teeth, where toothbrush bristles can’t reach.

Go to the Dentist

Unlike a doctor, who we may visit multiple times a year for checkups or when we are feeling ill, a dentist does not get the same kind of attention. Even without any pain or soreness, you should visit your dentist at least once a year. At this annual visit you should receive a thorough teeth cleaning, and your dentist will examine your mouth for any signs of cavities or other problems. By visiting your dentist regularly, you will catch problems in the early stages, when treatment is minimal, and usually less expensive!

Eat Healthy

A healthy diet can help maintain healthy teeth. Studies have found that vitamin D specifically is beneficial in keeping teeth strong and reducing tooth decay. Your best food sources for vitamin D are salmon, tuna, mackerel, eggs and cheese, and spending time in direct sunlight is also an excellent way to deliver vitamin D to your body. You can also try a vitamin D supplement, another great way to ensure you are getting enough D.

Whiten teeth

You may find that even when brushing teeth regularly, your teeth aren’t as white as you’d like. It could be that your teeth are stained from certain foods or drinks, like red wine and coffee, or that your teeth have simply yellowed over time. The best way to treat discolored teeth is with a whitening treatment. The teeth whitening kit offered by Advanta Supplements includes an upper and lower tray, whitening solution, and a teeth-whitening pen for touchups. Everyone who purchases a kit also gets unlimited free refills of powerful whitening solution, so that you can re-whiten whenever need be.

Here’s to a healthy smile!




Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

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Signs That You Are Vitamin Deficient

Signs That You Are Vitamin Deficient

Our body sends us messages in a variety of ways, and when we are missing vital nutrients, it usually will let us know. Here are some signs that you are vitamin deficient and what supplements you should take to resolve any of these side effects.

Hair loss: If you are watching much more hair go down the drain that usual, you may be deficient in Vitamin B. Although some hair loss is normal, excess amounts can be a symptom of vitamin deficiency. Vitamin B is a water-soluble vitamin and therefore harder to maintain in the body than fat-soluble vitamins. Supplement with biotin and watch for a decrease in hair loss.

Rashes or bumps on skin: You may be lacking Vitamin A or D if you notice you frequently have bumps on your cheeks, thighs, or arms. Not to be mistaken with acne, these bumps can form if you are lacking either of these vitamins, or if you are not taking in enough fatty acids. Keep skin clear and calm by adding a Vitamin A, D, and an omega-3 supplement into your diet. Observe if this reduces the frequency or severity of bumps.

Fatigue or body aches: If you feel tired and achy, you may be Vitamin D deficient. Sleepiness and soreness arise for some people during winter months, when we tend to stay warm indoors. This can often be your body’s reaction to a lack of sunlight. Even in summer months, some people do not get enough natural sunlight, or simply do not eat Vitamin D rich foods. Take a Vitamin D supplement daily to enhance energy and physical well being.

Abnormal eye movements or unsteady walking: Although Vitamin E deficiency is rare; people who can’t absorb fat properly can develop a Vitamin E deficiency. Symptoms of having low levels of Vitamin E include; abnormal eye movements and other vision problems, as well as a loss of muscle mass, muscle weakness, or unsteady walking. Get your daily Vitamin E requirements from both whole foods and supplements.

Lack of energy and stamina: It is easy to blame a lack of energy on age or stress at work, but the cure to your decreased drive may actually come from vitamin supplements. Ubiquinol, a nutrient found in sardines and mackerel, can have an effect on your lack of energy and stamina. If you do not consume a lot of beef or peanuts, two other great sources of ubiquinol, or are not a fan of fish, try an ubiquinol supplement instead. This type of natural energy is more effective than heavy doses of coffee or caffeinated energy drinks and also can strengthen your immune system.

Be sure to consult your doctor about possible underlying causes of your symptoms before adding a supplement to your daily regimen.


Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested, and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

For a complete listing of our products on Amazon, please visit

Natural Ways to Increase Your Energy

Natural Ways to Increase Your Energy

If there is any one thing that most adults want more of, besides money, it is bound to be energy. Balancing work and home life is certainly a challenge. Sure you can drink strong coffee or caffeinated sodas, but you should be prepared for a crash afterward, stained teeth, and possibly a case of the jitters. It is for these reasons that more and more people are looking to alternative natural solutions to increase their energy levels. advanta-supplements-green-tea-extract

A no-brainer in maintaining energy levels is a good night’s sleep. But often, eight hours of sleep is just not in the cards—or just not enough. When you find yourself dragging more often than not, Advanta Supplements has an affordable weapon called Green Tea Extract. These quality capsules use the same formulation recommended by Tim Ferris in his bestselling book, The 4 Hour Body. It is in this book that he calls green tea a powerful antioxidant and energy booster.

Green tea comes from the camellia sinensis plant. It can be consumed as a beverage, or as an “extract” created from the leaves in order to use as medicine. The stem, leaf, and bud are all useful parts of the camellia sinensis plant. Green tea is not fermented. Instead, steaming the fresh leaves at very high temperatures produces it. During the steaming process, the tea maintains its integrity, preserving the vital molecules called polyphenols, which are responsible for the tea’s health benefits.  One of these health benefits is that it can naturally and effectively boost energy. And although it does have caffeine, it has less than a quarter of what most major coffee brands contain.

Taking green tea extract as a supplement can also increase the effectiveness of other natural energy boosters. One of these energy boosters is nuts. If you are hungry, it may help to snack on a handful of almonds or walnuts. You should feel more “full” afterward, than if you were to have a handful of the things we crave when we’re tired, such as salty chips or candy. Plus, research has shown that we may not fully digest all of the calories in a serving of nuts. So if you are intimidated by the fat content, don’t be. Remember that nuts contain only good, healthy fats that our bodies need.

Although it may be the last thing on your mind when you feel tired, exercising is another great way to feel more energized. A short power walk or a few yoga moves can refresh you and wake up those sleepy muscles. And if you are pressed for time, try this simple trick. Locate the “Leg Three Miles” point, four finger widths below your kneecap, and one finger width outward towards your shin. Press on this spot for one minute, and repeat on the opposite leg. According to acupressure experts, pressing on these nerve points will send energizing signals throughout your entire body, giving you that little energizing boost when you need it.

Try these tips, and enjoy your newfound energy!




Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

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The Power of Antioxidants – Antioxidants can improve the health and quality of skin.

The Power of Antioxidants
Antioxidants can improve the health and quality of skin.

Since most of us don’t eat a perfect diet, it is important to supplement with powerful antioxidants that will keep us healthy and feeling good. Taking vitamins daily ensures that we receive the recommended daily dose and takes away the hassle of constantly checking food labels or reading up on which foods contain which vitamins.  We’ll cover the most powerful antioxidants that we should all be taking now.

One very important antioxidant that many of us are lacking is Vitamin D. The reason being that Vitamin D is not found naturally in many foods and the majority of us tend to stay cooped up indoors where we aren’t exposed to direct sunlight. The result is a lack of Vitamin D. Since Vitamin D plays a key role in calcium absorption, the condition of our bones, cell growth, and even immune function.  A Vitamin D deficiency can result in serious health problems. The best way to ensure that we are consuming enough Vitamin D for healthy bodily function is to do so with a supplement.

Another powerful antioxidant is Vitamin E. Known for aiding in the prevention of heart disease and certain cancers. Vitamin E is also helpful in the treatment of nervous system disorders, cramping of the legs and feet, and muscle fatigue. Applied topically, Vitamin E is also used to decrease the appearance of physical scars. When choosing a Vitamin E supplement, it is important to seek natural Vitamin E, rather than synthetic, which can be difficult for your body to absorb. A good choice is Vitamin E made from natural d-alpha tocopherol.

No discussion of antioxidants is complete without mentioning beta-carotene. This super antioxidant has a multitude of health benefits, and is considered to be a provitamin because it can convert into Vitamin A. Lack of Vitamin A is no joke, and can lead to problems of the eye, reproductive system, and bones. Thus it is important to regularly eat colorful fruits and vegetables like; sweet potatoes, apricots, and carrots, and also take a beta-carotene supplement daily. Vitamin A makes our skin clearer and healthier, and also lowers our risk of stroke, lung cancer, heart disease and eye degeneration.

Now that you know the power of antioxidants, and which play the biggest role in your health, it is time to evaluate which supplements you need to add into your diet. Not big on fruits and vegetables? Then you probably aren’t taking in enough beta-carotene. Don’t start each morning with a bowl of cereal and milk? You might have low levels of Vitamin D. Make a list of the foods you’re eating and discuss with your healthcare provider which antioxidants you may be lacking and start supplementing!

Resource: MedlinePlus

Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

For a complete listing of our products on Amazon, please visit

We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money.





Amazing Omega 3

Amazing Omega 3
Eating sardines can help get you the DHA you need!


Omega 3 fatty acids are a group of three different fats: ALA, EPA, and DHA. While ALA is found in plant oils, EPA and DHA are found in marine oils. These marine oils include not only fish, but also algae and krill. We rely on Omega 3 in order for our bodies to function properly; therefore, these acids are also referred to as essential fatty acids. Since our bodies cannot produce Omega 3 fatty acids on their own, we need to get them from the foods that we eat—most often seafood and vegetable oils—or in supplement form.

Omega 3 fatty acids are thought to reduce inflammation throughout the body, whether in the blood vessels, joints, or other areas. Recent studies have shown that taking 300 mg of Omega 3 for 30 days can reduce the symptoms related to different types of arthritis, knee pain, back pain, and other issues related to inflammation—even asthma. Taking an Omega 3 supplement can also help increase the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs when taken together.

Another condition that may improve while taking Omega 3 is depression. Studies have shown that symptoms of depression have been reduced with a diet higher in fish oils. Just as in the case with anti-inflammatory drugs, taking the supplement may increase the effectiveness of antidepressants when used together.

Several studies have also shown that DHA, the Omega 3 fatty acid found in fish oil, can lower triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are a type of blood fat.  When high levels of triglycerides are found in the blood, it can be considered a risk factor for heart disease. Eating salmon (preferably wild), mackerel, sardines, anchovies, tuna, lake trout, herring, and other fatty fish can help you get DHA.  A typical person can safely consume two or three servings of these types of fish weekly. It is best to check with your doctor since pregnant women and children are advised to avoid certain fish, due to high levels of mercury. It is for this same reason that pregnant women are often advised to take an Omega 3 (specifically DHA) supplement with their prenatal vitamin, since DHA may be vital to proper neurological and visual development in infants.

Some of the latest research regarding the benefits and effectiveness of Omega 3 fatty acids involve the possible prevention of the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Although research is ongoing, studies have seen a slower onset of memory impairment in older adults when Omega 3 fatty acids are incorporated into the diet. Another cognitive impairment that seems hindered by increased levels of Omega 3 is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 8-8-13 AS 81j3kukfnkL._SL1500_

The Omega 3 supplement by Advanta Supplements is packed with 1200 mg of Omega 3. Fortunately, it is one of the few Omega 3 supplements that do not have any after taste. In addition, the product is mercury free, making it safe for all individuals. We recommend taking it on a daily to appreciate the many benefits that this powerful nutrient has to offer.




Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money.

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The Many Benefits of Vitamin E

The Many Benefits of Vitamin E

If you are reading this, you most likely want what is best for your body but are confused by all the different options out there. If you could get everything you need from a daily multivitamin, it would make things so much easier. Unfortunately, one single pill does not often achieve the things we hoped that it would. There is no “tailor made” multivitamin on the market for each and every individual. That is why it is important for you to customize your dietary regime. Vitamin E is no exception and it may be beneficial to consume more than the “daily recommended allowance” as seen on the label of common multivitamins.

If you know anything about Vitamin E, you know about its numerous health benefits.  One of the most popular benefits of Vitamin E is that it is a formidable antioxidant. This means that it   is capable of fighting the oxidation process that wreaks havoc on our cells.  Antioxidants are believed to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and memory loss. They are also believed to treat diabetes, combat diseases of the brain and nervous system, as well as improve physical endurance and muscle strength. The benefits of antioxidants are too numerous to mention and are often associated with Vitamin E.

Although it is rare for people to have a Vitamin E deficiency, it can occur in those who cannot properly absorb fat through the gut. This can be because of a particular surgery, cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, malnutrition, or diets that are very low in fat. There are also specific genetic conditions that include AVED (Ataxia and Vitamin E deficiency) that could be to blame for a lack of Vitamin E. Infants can suffer from a deficiency as well if they had a very low birthrate or are taking formulas that are not fortified.

We can get Vitamin E from some of the foods that we eat. These foods include certain fruits, leafy green vegetables, eggs, red meat, nuts, vegetable oils, whole grains, and cereals that are fortified with vitamins. Although it is important to eat these foods in order to get the vitamin in its natural form, storing and cooking them can jeopardize the integrity of the vitamin. This is why a supplement can be quite important.

Vitamin-EThe Vitamin E supplement by Advanta Supplements is a great option. Their gel caps are made from D Alpha Tocopherol. This is one of the many forms of the vitamin available, and perhaps the most important form. This is because D Alpha Tocopherol is a natural form of Vitamin E, and is therefore absorbed into the body more quickly. Synthetic forms are not as quickly digested because our bodies prefer vitamins in their natural forms. To decipher between the natural and synthetic forms, look for the letter “d” on the label.  It indicates that it is the natural form. Synthetic forms have “dl” on the label. Each bottle of Advanta Supplements Vitamin E with D Alpha Tocopherol contains 100 gel caps.




Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money.

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The Importance of Vitamin D

The Importance of Vitamin D

Very few foods contain Vitamin D and many people find that they are lacking in their daily intake of this valuable vitamin. A number of food producers will add Vitamin D to juices, dairy products, and cereals; then say that it is “fortified” with the vitamin. This still is not enough for most people. Between 80 and 90 percent of the body’s Vitamin D levels come from exposure to sunlight, hence its nickname as the “sunshine vitamin.” Studies have suggested that regular use of sunscreen—crucial to protecting our skin from damage and cancer—may cause a vitamin D deficiency. During the winter months, when days are shorter, our Vitamin D levels can drop.

One other reason for the lack of Vitamin D in our bodies may be due to the lack of vitamin-rich fish in our diets. Unlike people who live in the Mediterranean where fish is a regular part of their meals, Americans tend to lean toward meat and poultry and away from fish; either because of its price or because of their location. If fatty fish such as tuna, sardines, mackerel, and herring are lacking in your diet; you can still reap the benefits of Vitamin D thanks to dietary supplements.

Vitamin D is actually a group of fat-soluble molecules that are responsible for enhancing the absorption of phosphate and calcium in our intestines. One specific form of these molecules is called cholecalciferol—Vitamin D3 for short. Vitamin D3 can be found in the food we eat, from supplements, or both. It can also be synthesized in the skin when we have adequate exposure to the sun.

The importance of Vitamin D3 is evident when looking at its benefits, as well as the consequences of not consuming enough of it. Joint pain, side effects from cardiovascular disease, severe asthma, cognitive impairment in older adults, and cancer have all been associated with low Vitamin D3 levels. The Mayo Clinic has called Vitamin D deficiency one of the greatest misdiagnosed epidemics. Since we need Vitamin D to regulate calcium and other minerals in our bodies, it plays a large role in our health, as well as maintaining proper bone structure. Doctors have prescribed Vitamin D and Vitamin D3 specifically for; lowering cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, premenstrual syndrome, and diseases of the mouth. People who have skin conditions, such as psoriasis and vitiligo, also use it.

41vQ2YndbQL._SL400_If you have sun exposure to your face and arms a few times per week, your skin may be producing just enough Vitamin D3. But since the vitamin is also a fantastic booster for the immune system, it may be beneficial to add a supplement to your daily diet. Vitamin D3 by Advanta Supplements has 90 capsules of Vitamin D3 with 5000 IU’s. Consult your doctor if you think a Vitamin D supplement would be right for you.

Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money. 

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All About Garcinia Cambogia

All About Garcinia Cambogia

Losing weight can be an arduous process. It seems as if we are always looking for ways to burn body fat more quickly and efficiently. One option to aid in the process is a natural plant extract called garcinia cambogia.

Garcinia cambogia is a fruit native to Indonesia and is shaped like a small green pumpkin. It is sometimes referred to as tamarind. It is also grown in other parts of South Asia and Africa, where it is used in curries and chutneys. People native to these areas have used this ingredient in recipes to make meals more filling. There is a soup made in Malaysia with garcinia cambogia that is eaten before meals, because of the fruit’s abilities to block the appetite.

Not only is the fruit effective in suppressing the appetite, but it also helps reduce fat. This fat blocking power comes from the rind of the fruit where its natural extract, HCA (hydroxycitric acid), is found. Researchers are finding that HCA can double or even triple the amount of weight lost in clinical trials. Coupled with other smart weight loss efforts, such as diet and exercise, people that have taken HCA have lost an average of four pounds per month. There are also several other trials that have shown that HCA can increase the metabolism while reducing glucose levels after eating meals. Participants in one of these specific trials consumed 1000 mg (2 capsules) of HCA daily and experienced an impressive reduction in body fat within 12 weeks, without any change in diet or exercise. Studies have also shown that garcinia cambogia is more easily absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore more effective, when taken along with Chromium Picolinate and Vitamin C.

The way that HCA blocks fat is by inhibiting the body’s release of citrate lyase: a key enzyme that turns carbohydrates into fat. Without HCA, the body­—with the help of citrate lyase—takes any sugars or carbohydrates that aren’t immediately used and converts them to fat. With HCA, citrate lyase is inhibited and the process of fat conversion is stalled. It also decreases the production of triglycerides and LDL (the bad cholesterol).

If you are an emotional eater, eating when upset or bored, garcinia cambogia may be the answer you’ve been looking for, in regards to weight loss supplements. An increase in serotonin levels has been observed by participants in studies of the extract. Serotonin is the brain’s “feel good” neurotransmitter. Many antidepressant medications target serotonin, because low levels can cause depression and anxiety. This depressed or anxious feeling can drive people to emotional eating. HCA can increase serotonin levels without the use of medication, thus improving one’s mood and reducing the impulse to react to stress by eating. Garcinia cambogia is effective in managing the stress hormone cortisol, which can be responsible for stubborn fat around the belly. Reducing cortisol levels can lead to fewer inches on the waist and can have a positive effect on sleeping patterns, which also affects weight loss.

Advanta Supplements Garcinia Cambogia

Advanta Supplements Garcinia Cambogia

Advanta Supplements Garcinia Cambogia is a patent pending formula that can help you reach your weight loss goals more quickly and efficiently.



We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money.

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Melatonin: The Natural Way to Fall Asleep Faster

Melatonin: The Natural Way to Fall Asleep Faster

If you are like 60% of Americans, you may have difficulty falling asleep. This leaves you with two options: use harsh medication to help the sleep process along or go the natural route. The natural options can range from changing your diet and exercise routine, to taking a natural supplement. One of the supplements getting a lot of attention is a hormone known as melatonin.

You may be wondering, what is melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone that is made by the body’s pineal gland. This gland is relatively inactive during the daytime, when you are exposed to sunlight. This is because sunlight and bright artificial light inhibit the body’s release of melatonin. However, when the sun sets at night and it gets dark outside, the pineal gland kicks into action and starts to produce melatonin. The pineal gland then releases the newly produced melatonin into the body, via the bloodstream. Because the melatonin levels rise rapidly, your body reacts by means of making you feel tired. This is why people sleep during the evening hours.

Melatonin supplements help boost this natural process and can be used to treat insomnia, even jet lag. The supplement is also being studied for other possible benefits, including the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the prevention of sleep problems after surgery, and the reduction of chronic cluster headaches. Melatonin may also be useful in helping to control the sleep patterns of people who work late-night shifts and sleep during the day. It may also help people who are blind to set their sleep and wake cycles correctly.

The disruption of the body’s natural sleep clock can cause many health problems including; anxiety, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Melatonin can help reset the body’s clock and restore healthy sleep patterns. Research is currently being conducted on whether melatonin supplements can also strengthen the immune system, stop or slow the spread of cancer, and possibly slow down the aging process.

If you are having trouble falling asleep and are considering taking a supplement, try Melatonin by Advanta Supplements. This product is unlike many others because it is sublingual, meaning it dissolves under your tongue and releases more rapidly into your bloodstream than a pill would. This allows you to fall asleep in 14 minutes or less (that is 10 minutes less than the average of 24 minutes for people who are not taking the supplement). Simply place one tablet under your tongue each night. Taking the supplement on a regular basis can help your body reestablish a regular sleep cycle, and fall asleep more quickly than ever.




Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested, and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.   

We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money. 

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