Archives for posts with tag: Green Coffee Bean
Natural Ways to Increase Your Energy

Natural Ways to Increase Your Energy

If there is any one thing that most adults want more of, besides money, it is bound to be energy. Balancing work and home life is certainly a challenge. Sure you can drink strong coffee or caffeinated sodas, but you should be prepared for a crash afterward, stained teeth, and possibly a case of the jitters. It is for these reasons that more and more people are looking to alternative natural solutions to increase their energy levels. advanta-supplements-green-tea-extract

A no-brainer in maintaining energy levels is a good night’s sleep. But often, eight hours of sleep is just not in the cards—or just not enough. When you find yourself dragging more often than not, Advanta Supplements has an affordable weapon called Green Tea Extract. These quality capsules use the same formulation recommended by Tim Ferris in his bestselling book, The 4 Hour Body. It is in this book that he calls green tea a powerful antioxidant and energy booster.

Green tea comes from the camellia sinensis plant. It can be consumed as a beverage, or as an “extract” created from the leaves in order to use as medicine. The stem, leaf, and bud are all useful parts of the camellia sinensis plant. Green tea is not fermented. Instead, steaming the fresh leaves at very high temperatures produces it. During the steaming process, the tea maintains its integrity, preserving the vital molecules called polyphenols, which are responsible for the tea’s health benefits.  One of these health benefits is that it can naturally and effectively boost energy. And although it does have caffeine, it has less than a quarter of what most major coffee brands contain.

Taking green tea extract as a supplement can also increase the effectiveness of other natural energy boosters. One of these energy boosters is nuts. If you are hungry, it may help to snack on a handful of almonds or walnuts. You should feel more “full” afterward, than if you were to have a handful of the things we crave when we’re tired, such as salty chips or candy. Plus, research has shown that we may not fully digest all of the calories in a serving of nuts. So if you are intimidated by the fat content, don’t be. Remember that nuts contain only good, healthy fats that our bodies need.

Although it may be the last thing on your mind when you feel tired, exercising is another great way to feel more energized. A short power walk or a few yoga moves can refresh you and wake up those sleepy muscles. And if you are pressed for time, try this simple trick. Locate the “Leg Three Miles” point, four finger widths below your kneecap, and one finger width outward towards your shin. Press on this spot for one minute, and repeat on the opposite leg. According to acupressure experts, pressing on these nerve points will send energizing signals throughout your entire body, giving you that little energizing boost when you need it.

Try these tips, and enjoy your newfound energy!




Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.

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Weight Loss Benefits of Green Coffee Bean Extract

Weight Loss Benefits of Green Coffee Bean Extract

You may have been hearing a lot of buzz about something called green coffee bean extract. Its uses are relatively new, but one thing popularly agreed upon is the amazing effectiveness of green coffee bean extract as a weight loss aid.

Green coffee bean extract comes from the green beans of the Arabica plant. These are coffee beans that have not been roasted, since the roasting process reduces the amount of the beans’ chlorogenic acid. This chlorogenic acid is important. It is thought to have many health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Because it is not roasted, it has a different taste than regular coffee. It is also lower in caffeine.

In regards to weight loss, the chlorogenic acids in green coffee bean extract works in a couple of ways. First, it boosts the liver’s metabolic output, and in turn, burns more fat. Second, the acid balances blood sugar by inhibiting the body’s release of glucose. These two behaviors together prevent the body’s absorption of fat and dramatically hinder weight gain.

In a 2012 study that was published by The Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal, evidence of the extract’s effect on weight loss was strong. The study involved following 16 adults who used green coffee bean extract as a dietary supplement for 12 weeks. No other dietary changes were made. During the time of the study, the individuals lost an average of 10.5% of their body weight and 16% of overall body fat. They also did not report any negative side effects.

For weight loss, one thing agreed upon by researchers is that proper diet and exercise are most important. Simply adding green coffee bean extract to your dietary regime may increase the potential for weight loss, as well as providing the value of antioxidants. Keep in mind that like most supplements, green coffee beans extract needs to be a pure, high-grade supplement. It also needs to be manufactured in the United States in a facility that is FDA approved. In addition, there should be laboratory tests performed on the supplement to ensure and prove that it is of the proper potency and quality.

Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green Coffee Bean Extract

In studies, there were no serious side effects reported with the use of green coffee bean extract, but keep in mind, there is still a small amount of caffeine in green coffee beans, if you are sensitive to caffeine.

If you are considering using green coffee extract to aid in weight loss, try Advanta Supplement’s Green Coffee Bean Extract. It contains 50% chlorogenic acid and the highest concentration of pure green coffee bean extract. Be sure to include a healthy diet and exercise as well and see the results!


Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested, and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.   

We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money. 

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