Melatonin: The Natural Way to Fall Asleep Faster

Melatonin: The Natural Way to Fall Asleep Faster

If you are like 60% of Americans, you may have difficulty falling asleep. This leaves you with two options: use harsh medication to help the sleep process along or go the natural route. The natural options can range from changing your diet and exercise routine, to taking a natural supplement. One of the supplements getting a lot of attention is a hormone known as melatonin.

You may be wondering, what is melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone that is made by the body’s pineal gland. This gland is relatively inactive during the daytime, when you are exposed to sunlight. This is because sunlight and bright artificial light inhibit the body’s release of melatonin. However, when the sun sets at night and it gets dark outside, the pineal gland kicks into action and starts to produce melatonin. The pineal gland then releases the newly produced melatonin into the body, via the bloodstream. Because the melatonin levels rise rapidly, your body reacts by means of making you feel tired. This is why people sleep during the evening hours.

Melatonin supplements help boost this natural process and can be used to treat insomnia, even jet lag. The supplement is also being studied for other possible benefits, including the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the prevention of sleep problems after surgery, and the reduction of chronic cluster headaches. Melatonin may also be useful in helping to control the sleep patterns of people who work late-night shifts and sleep during the day. It may also help people who are blind to set their sleep and wake cycles correctly.

The disruption of the body’s natural sleep clock can cause many health problems including; anxiety, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Melatonin can help reset the body’s clock and restore healthy sleep patterns. Research is currently being conducted on whether melatonin supplements can also strengthen the immune system, stop or slow the spread of cancer, and possibly slow down the aging process.

If you are having trouble falling asleep and are considering taking a supplement, try Melatonin by Advanta Supplements. This product is unlike many others because it is sublingual, meaning it dissolves under your tongue and releases more rapidly into your bloodstream than a pill would. This allows you to fall asleep in 14 minutes or less (that is 10 minutes less than the average of 24 minutes for people who are not taking the supplement). Simply place one tablet under your tongue each night. Taking the supplement on a regular basis can help your body reestablish a regular sleep cycle, and fall asleep more quickly than ever.




Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested, and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.   

We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money. 

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Weight Loss Benefits of Green Coffee Bean Extract

Weight Loss Benefits of Green Coffee Bean Extract

You may have been hearing a lot of buzz about something called green coffee bean extract. Its uses are relatively new, but one thing popularly agreed upon is the amazing effectiveness of green coffee bean extract as a weight loss aid.

Green coffee bean extract comes from the green beans of the Arabica plant. These are coffee beans that have not been roasted, since the roasting process reduces the amount of the beans’ chlorogenic acid. This chlorogenic acid is important. It is thought to have many health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Because it is not roasted, it has a different taste than regular coffee. It is also lower in caffeine.

In regards to weight loss, the chlorogenic acids in green coffee bean extract works in a couple of ways. First, it boosts the liver’s metabolic output, and in turn, burns more fat. Second, the acid balances blood sugar by inhibiting the body’s release of glucose. These two behaviors together prevent the body’s absorption of fat and dramatically hinder weight gain.

In a 2012 study that was published by The Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal, evidence of the extract’s effect on weight loss was strong. The study involved following 16 adults who used green coffee bean extract as a dietary supplement for 12 weeks. No other dietary changes were made. During the time of the study, the individuals lost an average of 10.5% of their body weight and 16% of overall body fat. They also did not report any negative side effects.

For weight loss, one thing agreed upon by researchers is that proper diet and exercise are most important. Simply adding green coffee bean extract to your dietary regime may increase the potential for weight loss, as well as providing the value of antioxidants. Keep in mind that like most supplements, green coffee beans extract needs to be a pure, high-grade supplement. It also needs to be manufactured in the United States in a facility that is FDA approved. In addition, there should be laboratory tests performed on the supplement to ensure and prove that it is of the proper potency and quality.

Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green Coffee Bean Extract

In studies, there were no serious side effects reported with the use of green coffee bean extract, but keep in mind, there is still a small amount of caffeine in green coffee beans, if you are sensitive to caffeine.

If you are considering using green coffee extract to aid in weight loss, try Advanta Supplement’s Green Coffee Bean Extract. It contains 50% chlorogenic acid and the highest concentration of pure green coffee bean extract. Be sure to include a healthy diet and exercise as well and see the results!


Located in the heart of Iowa, Advanta Supplements provides quality vitamins and supplements. Our products are developed, tested, and manufactured here in the United States in FDA approved labs.   

We back all of our products with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not happy with an Advanta Supplement product, please use the contact form to let us know and we will gladly refund your money. 

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